Busy Weekend for RidgeStudents

This weekend will be full of activity. Please be sure to be involved!

First, the 30 hour famine begins at 12:00 noon (or during your lunch period) on Friday April 24. The purpose of this project is to go 30 hours without food, and get sponsors to pay a dollar per hour you you fast. Every $30 raised can feed a child for a month. We have supported 4 children over the last year, and feel it is our responsibility to do so again in 2009. The famine will be completed by 6:00 pm Saturday April 25. During this time we will have completed 5 different bridge projects in our community. If you are a parent, and would like to sponsor a student, or make a donation to the cause, please make a check out to Ridgeview Church, and write "30 hour famine" on the memo. Also, you can give securely online at www.give.ridgeviewchurch.net by selecting "Make a Designated Donation" and designate your gift for "30 Hour Famine"

Second, as a reward for everone involved in the famine, and as a fun opportunity for everyone else, RidgeStudents will be playing paintball at lookup lodge. Join us Sunday April 26 from 2-4pm. Adults are encouraged to participate! You will need to fill out a participation waiver, signed by your parent before you can play. Finally, RidgeStudents will be meeting at 5 pm at the King's home. Plan to be involved in an all-time grade school favorite: dodgeball!

Here We Go!
email milo@ridgeviewchurch.net with any questions.